PeetPay! Send Eth get PTE

Peet DeFi
2 min readNov 29, 2020

Peet DeFi launched our app page!
Connect with any web3 enabled wallet to use the dapps or interact manually if preferred.

PTE available to more people around the world.

The goal of PeetPay is to break down barriers of entry and help more users enjoy the benefits of PTE. Those who choose not to use Uniswap or exchanges can now acquire PTE directly from through PeetPay.

Using PeetPay is simple. Send in ETH or wETH and get back PTE on any address. PTE are traded here at the same value as in the ETH-PTE pair on Uniswap, we have simply added another layer to allow more users to trade.

Bonus PTE for using PeetPay

Traders who use swap the first 500 PTE in PeetPay will be rewarded with bonuses as follows.

First 100 PTE swapped: 5% bonus
Second 100 PTE swapped: 4% bonus
Third 100 PTE swapped: 3% bonus
Fourth 100 PTE swapped: 2% bonus
Fifth 100 PTE swapped: 1% bonus

All addition swaps will happen at the price of PTE on Uniswap.

Funds Allocation

PTE used for PeetPay are provided from the OTC wallet
And exchanged through the PeetPay contract

ETH collected through PeetPay are used to support liquidity and back our soon to be released staking pools according to the same terms as previous OTC sales of PTE. The team keeps none of these funds.



Peet DeFi

Peet Platform Decentralized Finance applications and yield farming are a new take on DeFi offering cross chain functionality and future collateralization of RWA